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In increasing numbers, people are taking charge of their final arrangements well in advance for several reasons. Preplanning a funeral allows the opportunity to determine what type of funeral service and disposition an individual may request. It gives time to think about the details and discuss them with loved ones. By involving your family in making these difficult decisions, you prepare them in advance for handling the funeral. You will be also able to select a cemetery and in plot of your choice in advance. Preplanning eliminates uncertainties and surprises. Preplanning spares your survivors the burden of making last minute decisions. Death brings with it grief, confusion, uncertainty and emotional upheaval. Preplanning eliminates unnecessary difficulties in a time of stress and sorrow. It creates comfort and peace for the individual arranging their own service and also gives the survivors the feeling of satisfaction in carrying out your wishes.

One of the biggest advantages of prearranging and funding with accrued interest, is the ability to offset future rise in service and merchandise prices. New York State mandates that prearrangement with New York funeral firms must be revocable, except for SSI/Medicaid recipients. However, a Medicaid recipient may change from funeral home to funeral home without penalty, but all funds must be used for funeral expenses.

Please call us at 315.472.5291 for a free consultation. The caring professionals at Birnbaum Funeral Service, Inc. will help you every step of the way in making the best memorial arrangements that meet your needs.